VAC Website


Mediation is a form of interaction between a cultural institution and its visitors. It seeks to engage all participants and to encourage respectful dialogue between all of them, regardless of experience, views, or age. We offer different formats of participation: group tours, spontaneous conversations, and joint projects.


A mediator is not the bearer of secret knowledge nor a strict teacher, instead, they act as an intermediary in interactions with contemporary art. A mediator does not follow a script to talk about art, instead, they address the personal experiences, opinions, and feelings of each participant. A mediator avoids didacticism and in doing so seeks to break existing hierarchies in art, creating the conditions for participation and a free expression of opinions in which everyone’s voice is equally important.

Mediation is a profession. Our team has been trained at the V–A–C Faculty of Mediation, where they follow an educational programme that combines instruction, psychology, art history and theory, and cultural and museum studies. The Faculty of Mediation was founded in 2018 by Anna Panfilets, the curator of public programmes at GES-2.


Official partner of the GES-2 House of Culture mediation programmе.

The aim of the collaboration between GES-2 and LIMÉ is to jointly support cultural production and research into fashion.

All photos: Anya Todich

Mediation at GES-2 House of Culture is available to visitors with the most varied experiences. We conduct tours for elderly people, organise programmes for expats, and hold our events in Russian Sign Language.

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