2023, Chris Kasick
United States
82 minutes, English with Russian subtitles
2023, Chris Kasick
United States
82 minutes, English with Russian subtitles
The global obsession with the True Crime genre through the prism of one life and one podcast. Screening as part of Beat Film Festival 2024.
In 2011, Emily Nestor heard about the strange death on a West Virginia highway—and saw it as an opportunity to create her own podcast. The investigation turned out to be thrilling, the podcast’s popularity soared, Emily was approached with an offer to make a documentary about her—and then the crime was solved.
Shot from Citizen Sleuth, 2023
I’d be stunned if Netflix or Hulu weren’t negotiating for this one right now.
— Brian Tallerico, rogerebert.com
Director Chris Kasick has been chronicling Nestor’s life for several years in an attempt to answer the question: where is the line that separates honest search for truth from exploiting other people’s trauma for money and fame.